Sunday, March 05, 2006

Monday morning blues!!!

Come to think of it, this might be one of the most used titles for a blog. But, what the heck, I am still going to write about it.
It was a pleasant weekend in Bangalore, with slight drizzles on Saturday, and lots of lightning and showers on Sunday night. I really enjoyed the weekend, the cool breeze, my usual outing to the club, an hour's swim in the pool, lots of time with my lil naughty daughter and lots of loving care from my wife. Reality struck me hard on Monday morning, I need to get going, I need to be in office!!!

I decided to drive to office instead of taking the office bus, for which I am still cursing myself. I couldn't believe the mess I saw on the road. The colours I saw on the road varied from caramel cream to black-forest, but, believe me, there was nothing pleasant about it. So much of mud, slush, overflown sewage and all kind of dirt on the road, all due to slight showers that "blessed" the city over the weekend, unbelievable!!!

Well, I do not wish to get started all over again on the infrastructure problems the city is going through, but I can't help calling out, "Oh God!!! When are you going to send your Son to deliver us from this pain!!!"


Vinayak said...

fear not, for the lord will deliver...for now, we shall endure the roads to play tennis :)

nair said...

go to the matresses with the city authorities!! ;)