Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My new schedule!!!

For a long time, I was trying to get over the starter's dilemma of how to start, what to start with. Today, finally, the time has come!!!
It is also a great day for me, a very important and a long awaited one.
The working hours at my office have been changed!!!
Like many other companies in Bangalore, in an effort to alleviate the traffice related woes of the employees, our company decided to change the working hours, the new schedule - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm came into effect today, after much careful considerations and negotiations.
There was a whole lot of discussions on how we can manage with less overlap time with other locaions like US and Germany, but sense prevailed!!!
This would mean that, my daughter might not get to say "bye" to me in the morning, but, I could be home much before my daughter says "good-night" to me. That is a great relief. Also, there is the fact that I would now be forced to get up early in the morning, which I woudn't do otherwise.
Well, then there is the obvious advantage of the time I save in travel.
So, it is a momentous day, also because, I finally could amass enough courage to write something which others are going to read...

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